Product Review: Rapid Recovery Treatment

I said earlier I was a little apprehensive about spending on $48 on just two conditioners. But so far it was well worth. The first one I tried was the Rapid Recovery Treatment. First I pre-pooed and detangled using olive oil. After about 30 minutes I applied the treatment directly on top. I let it stay on over night and then rinsed out. My curls were on point!!! The curls were tight, which we all know is a sign of good moisture. The conditioner is very thick. I didn't really get a slip out of it, but then again my hair wasn't wet when i applied it. All in all this is my favorite conditioner that I've ever used!! Looking forward to trying the Super Sweetback Treatment.

The Buy One Get One Free Sale has been extended. I'm so tempted to go back and get more stuff to try. Let me know is it really worth it?



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