Does Natural Hair Belong to a RACE??

I am actually appalled!!! So I usually never get on twitter... And of course when I do I find an argument...

So apparently a girl named Sarah (@waterlily716 on twitter) was featured on Sarah is Caucasian and makes YouTube videos showing her hair in what she calls her "natural state."
Sarah posted the following message, clearly meant to unify and empower women to accept themselves for what they were born with. 
Now of course not everyone was as open minded as Alba (one of my favorite YouTubers)... Sarah began getting beraded with racial slurs and a plethora of other angry mentions. But what caught my eye, was that another YouTuber I subscribe to was in on it. 
I feel that the word "natural" does not belong to a race... Going or becoming natural was, for me, meant to be an all around positive experience... Jouelzy even began to take it to a light skin verses dark skin thing... Which, to say the least, I'm tired of hearing about... 
But I also think that stems from Jouelzy's pain, struggle and experience... But if a dark skinned woman with 4d hair should be and can become empowered by being apart of the "natural hair community," why can't a light skinned girl with 2a hair? Or even a Caucasian girl with type 1 hair? We are all fed the same images from media on what beauty is and should be. And I know we have all compared ourselves to media's version of beauty and called ourselves ugly before... So why must we be hateful to each other? 
Everybody's overall struggles are never going to be the same, but come on! Natural hair is just about that HAIR! Hair is not some deep rooted social issue so let's not make it one more thing we have to waste time arguing about! 

Needless to say, I will be unsubscribing to Jouelzy's YouTube... As a light skinned girl with somewhat wavy/curly hair, who has been discriminated against since I can remember, for having these so called "powers," I feel personally disrespected and belittled. And I will not support someone who doesn't respect the empowerment of others as equally as they respect their own empowerment.

What do you think? Does the natural hair movement belong to a race? 

Leave your responses in the comments or you can send us an email at

More videos to come!!!
with love...
... Steph


1 comment:

  1. I feel ya on that.
    I mean, I do kind of get how Joulzy feels, it's hard enough to be excepted without having to competing with the accepted norm in an area that we thought was 'our own' but I think we would do better to accept in everyone celebrating their hair as it grows as opposed to trying tear one another down.
